Some of my buddies have the idea to camp out in the swamp while on a 2-day wander around the place. I tried to convince them of their folly but they just called me a wuss. Harumph! These photos, which are typical in every way of the Chazz Swamp, should convince anyone that camping there in tents and sleeping bags is an odd idea.
But there are some neat things to see there, like cabbage palms cloaked with shoestring fern (Vittaria lineata).
And a view of the clear waters of Blind Creek with snags and three young alligators sunning themselves.
And Pool 8 (dunno its Christian name), with its limestone ledge above a sheer drop into cool, deep water.
And this pair of unidentified blue mushrooms that have emerged from below thick leaf litter to look like alien blue eggs in a cupped nest.
People talk all the time about cypress knees and debate what their function is, but I am just as pleased at the knees of other tree species like swamp tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora) and sweetgum (Magnolia virginiana).
Did you notice the deer bones scattered to the right of the knees? I did not notice them until stooping down to snap the shot.
There was plastic flagging everywhere I went out there, red, orange, blue and candy-striped, plus three plastic balloons. So much for wilderness! OTOH, there was very little sign of feral pigs, perhaps because there is so little food for them this time of year. Other interesting biota seen included a striped mud turtle (Kinosternon bauri), beau coups corkwood plants (Leitneria floridana) and a terrestrial Habenaria orchid, possibly H. odorata, which we have seen blooming out there before.
Lastly, the prescribed burns that the State is conducting in the pine flatwoods and sandhill habitats are doing great things! Oaks and slash pines are being killed back, allowing for an abundance of ground plants for gopher tortoises to feed on. The burns will eventually result in a greater abundance of the large-seeded longleaf pine. Many of the herbs are in bloom and support diverse pollinators, and the longleafs will provide sustenance for the threatened fox squirrel. Gopher tortoise burrows were abundant, and goldenrod provided great swaths of cheerful color. I didn't even mind that I was soaked in perspiration and swamp water by the time I returned to the truck.
The most common Habenaria in this area would be H. odontopetala, which is likely what you saw.
The Florida Native Orchid Blog
You may be right. I tried to key it out last year (Dec 2009) when it was in bloom, but only from photos in the field. I have a policy against collecting wild orchids, even for identification purposes, and it would have been illegal to collect it anyway as we were on State lands.
ReplyDeleteMy id attempt resulted in it either being odontopetala or odorata, and I remembered from years-before sightings that the former is quite large and robust whereas the Chazz specimens are gracile and short. Any assistance in identifying them in the wild would be greatly appreciated from someone of your experience.
Thanks for your comment.
Just stumbled upon your blog.And I love it! Great photos.
ReplyDeleteBut I ain't going camping there,this time of year.
Beautiful photos. I've never spent any time there, but I think I may need to reconsider that. Do you know if you can hike with dogs there? And can you swim in those holes?
ReplyDeleteI know this is quite an old post - just wanted to let you know that your blue mushrooms are Lactarius indigo (indigo milk caps). 😃