I have been helping a friend repair and put back into
operation a 26 ft diameter geodesic dome solar greenhouse that was designed and
sold by Colorado-based Growing Spaces.
She bought the greenhouse over ten years ago as a way to
get her family to spend quality time together on a project. Her family
scattered to the four winds over the years, and not having a green thumb she just
‘let it go.’ More recently, she decided to rehabilitate it as a way to grow her
own organic veggies and provide a place for herself and her Buddhist group to
meditate. I constructed a solar greenhouse in the late 1970s that followed the
guidelines of the New Alchemy Institute (now called The Green Center), so now I
get to play in a solar greenhouse again after all these years!
My friend flatly refuses to employ power from the local
utility (Duke), instead relying on three small solar panels that came with the greenhouse:
(1) a 12" x 24" panel powering a ventilation fan, (2) a 12" x
24" panel powering an under-soil heating system, and (3) a 12" x
12" panel powering a (bilge) pump intended to circulate water in the
thermal storage tank. All three solar panels function fine and provide appx 12 vDC
current, which obviously varies according to the amount of solar insolation
available during the diel cycle as modified by weather.

The greenhouse’s two-foot-high internal raised beds are enclosed
by concrete block walls, at the bases of which are layers of eighth-inch wire
mesh (so-called ‘hardware cloth’) to ward off burrowing rodents. The beds
encircle the greenhouse interior perimeter except at the door and water tank. The
bottom halves of the beds are filled with native dirt, which is a rocky sandy
clay that provides good enough drainage. The top halves of the beds are filled
to an appx twelve-inch depth with potting soil (mostly pine bark with a little
humus and very little Perlite).
humus and very little Perlite).
There are two four-inch diameter ribbed plastic pipes running the entire length of the perimeter beds at the interface between the native dirt and potting soil. The pipes lead from an air intake box near the center of the GH’s south side (the warmest place in the GH):
I replaced the seized-up original soil heater fan with a
$10 computer cooling fan and hooked it up to the second 12” x 24” solar panel. When
the sun is shining, the solar panel now powers the new fan, which sucks air into
and pushes it through the two plastic pipes to heat the soils in the raised beds.
Warm roots support veggies better than cold roots! This pic shows the exhaust
end of one of the pipes emerging well above the raised bed to keep potting soil
from falling into the pipe:
The water tank's bilge pump was seized up when I came on board, so it was discarded but not replaced. My friend said it never worked (!) and she didn’t miss it, so there are no plans to replace it. The electric wires from its solar panel are still in place but not connected to anything. I harbor thoughts of eventually installing a new bilge pump and using the water tank (pictured below) for more than just thermal storage, but that is a subject to write about on another day. In the spring of 2019, I plan to move the bilge pump’s solar panel to the southwest side of the roof and the soil heater solar panel to its southeast side. I will then wire the two solar panels in parallel to power the soil bed heating fan, which together should provide power for a longer diel period and heat the raised bed soils even better than originally designed.
The water supply for the greenhouse was originally a
stop-and-waste valve spigot located outside the greenhouse about four feet away
from the southwest ventilation panel. This had several undesirable results,
including (1) having to run a hose from the spigot into the greenhouse through
the SW ventilation panel, which was inconvenient and in the way of gardening

The second soaker hose, 50 ft long, was attached to the
water distributor and then run out and looped back to irrigate the long raised
bed. Soaker hoses have small pores that deliberately leak water for irrigation,
but some of the pores are large enough for water to squirt out several feet beyond
the raised beds and be wasted. Therefore, I buried both soaker hoses 2-3 inches
deep in the potting soil to capture all of the irrigation water. These two soakers
irrigate nearly the entirety of the raised beds, excluding only the end of the
long bed which is not yet completely filled with potting soil or contains any plants.
That location will be topped up with potting soil and vegetated in the spring
of 2019, at which time I will add another 25 ft long soaker hose to irrigate it.
The greenhouse has a lot of air leaks, allowing air to
somewhat freely pass in and out of the structure. This undesirably cools the
interior in winter, although probably also helps to beneficially reduce
overheating in summer. Leaks are caused in several ways, and I have plugged
some of them, but much more repair will be needed next year. As mentioned
above, one leak was stopped by moving the water spigot inside the greenhouse,
thus eliminating the need to run the irrigation hose through an always-open
vent panel. A second leak was closed by replacing a rotted structural 2x4 that a
vent panel was attached to. A third leak was fixed by reseating weather-stripping
that had become loose and sagged away from a vent panel over time. A fourth
leak was mostly closed by replacing two rotted structural 2x4 boards that were
fitted horizontally to the outside Hardy-board wall. Finally, several vent
panels did not close completely because the aluminum strips that cover and
protect vent panel junctions were too long; these I cut shorter with tin snips.
The fourth leak mentioned above was difficult to repair,
as the weight of the greenhouse’s transparent panels was upon the two rotted
2x4 boards. Furthermore, additional 2x4s atop the Hardy-boards are rotten and still
need replacing, which will be a two-man operation that will be done during 2019.
The greenhouse owner is somewhat sensitive to pressure-treated wood, so the
original construction used untreated redwood or cedar 2x4s. While redwood,
cedar, and some other woods are naturally rot-resistant, they certainly are not
completely so, and we will be looking at alternatives come spring.

Lastly, the photo below of the center of the greenhouse
should give you some idea of how much room there is inside. It is large enough
to add a central raised bed, but we will probably not do so since she wants the
space for meditation sessions. I hope to be able to show you more pics over
time as we finish topping up and planting the existing raised beds, adding the
additional soaker hose, adding hanging baskets, and allowing warmer weather
over the upcoming spring and summer to create a lush indoor green space. I might
even install some solenoid valves to completely automate the irrigation system.
Might just replace unit regulating fan if there are no addional terminals for wiring. Take a look at mine in our gIreenhouse. Consider using composite decking lumber for the 2x4 cedar. It should be impurvious to rot but is more expensive. Probably Buddhists don,t go for poisoning or kill traps for mice and rats so would suggest some live traps even if you plug all access they find a way in.
The thermostat regulating the fan has multiple contacts to connect the solar panels to. I'll switch them around again in spring after looking at yours this winter. Composite decking and live traps are good suggestions. I already have some live traps, but I need to research composite decking, as it will have to bear weight. Thanks for the ideas!
ReplyDeleteDo you have any updates on the dome rehab? We are also in NC and about to put up the same model dome so we would love to have and advice you can give!
ReplyDeleteHi Julie - I'll try to find the time to do so in the near future. Thanks for reminding me. - Buford